I'm building an HTML5 iOS application using the Intel XDK. I'm using the Cordova Media plugin to play .wav audio files. For some reason, the audio will only play for about a second before quickly fading out. I can't figure out why this is happening.
I have two buttons, one that toggles recording audio and another to toggle playing the recorded audio. Here are the relevant javascript functions.
var audioButtonDisplay = 0; var audioRecordButtonDisplay = 0; var audioRecord; document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); function onDeviceReady() { audioRecord = new Media(audioSrc, function(){}, function(){alert("audioRecord error");}); audioRecord.setVolume(0.9); } function togglePlayPause() { var playPauseButton = $("#playPauseButton"); if(audioButtonDisplay === 0) { audioButtonDisplay = 1; playPauseButton.removeClass("playButton"); playPauseButton.addClass("pauseButton"); playPauseButton.html("II"); audioRecord.seekTo(0); audioRecord.play(); } else if(audioButtonDisplay === 1) { audioButtonDisplay = 0; playPauseButton.removeClass("pauseButton"); playPauseButton.addClass("playButton"); playPauseButton.html("►"); audioRecord.pause(); } } function toggleRecording() { var audioRecordButton = $("#audioRecordButton"); if(audioRecordButtonDisplay === 0) { audioRecordButtonDisplay = 1; audioRecordButton.removeClass("purple"); audioRecordButton.addClass("red"); audioRecordButton.html("Stop Recording"); audioRecord.startRecord(); } else if(audioRecordButtonDisplay === 1) { audioRecordButtonDisplay = 0; audioRecordButton.removeClass("red"); audioRecordButton.addClass("purple"); audioRecordButton.html("Start Recording"); audioRecord.stopRecord(); } }
Please help me get the audio to play the full length. Thanks.