I have been using Intel XDK for an android apk. This project is using Jquery platform. I have always pushed my project update to Testing server. Three days ago, Intel XDK unexpectedly crashed and I have lost every single files saving in the project location of local pc after reopened Intel XDK. Index.html file size changed to zero bytes in WWW folder. I have signed in to https://appcenter.html5tools-software.intel.com before. I have known I can download my project files in here. But, nowadays, it is not possible to log in to download my project files anymore. I have no idea how to get my project file back from Testing Server. When I used Intel App Preview in my android phone and iPad with my login information, I still see all of my project files without loosing anything that I have lastly updated and pushed files to Testing server before getting crash.
Please help and advise me how to download my project file back to my local pc. please email me to htetmyet9@gmail.com
Thank you.